Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 44




ICF Homes of Virginia ’ s David Phelps discusses the future , and the past , of US construction

In the early 2000s , David Phelps , President , set out on a mission to build his dream home . He comes from a background in physics , and prides himself on possessing a ‘ figure-itout-myself ’ approach , and a ‘ can-do ’ attitude .

“ I started out by looking at all the different technologies that were available ,” he says , “ from traditional timber frame houses to insulated panel structures . That was when I discovered insulated concrete form ( ICF ) homes , and instantly recognized the thermodynamic benefits of using such envelopes in construction . So , I built my own house , as there was nobody in the entire region who knew how to do it .”
After his own resounding success , David went on to establish ICF Homes of Virginia ( ICFHV ) in 2003 . Since then , the organization has expanded to employ a team of eight people and won multiple awards within its field ; all whilst strictly maintaining its niche offerings within a market that generally doesn ’ t demand a great deal of concrete housing .