5 . Look at shelving options
Cabinetry is expensive ; even adding a single unit to your design can cost hundreds . So why not look at open shelving instead ? From using reclaimed wood to create an earthy beachy vibe to sleek modern glass or vintage mirror , open shelving can create interest in the kitchen while keeping costs far lower than floor-to-ceiling cabinets . It also adds interest and depth to the space and is perfect for displaying decorating glasses , plants , herbs or prized vases and pots .
6 . Updating what you have
If you ’ re lucky enough that your kitchen is still in good shape but is lacking in curb appeal or a less-than-modern color , why not paint it ? There ’ s a host of different paints on the market now that make updating your cabinets super easy . If you can save your cabinets by painting them , why not free up some of your budget to replace your worktop with stunning new quartz or granite ? Or , swap for wood mixed with open wooden shelving for a more natural and homely finish that can be updated with a quick sand and re-finish for years to come .
The key to renovating your kitchen for less is to look at what you HAVE to do and what you WANT to do . This will allow you to put your budget where you need it and find inventive ways to make it stretch to encompass your wants , enabling you to have your dream kitchen for much , much less than you thought . ■
Looeeze Grossman www . theusedkitchencompany . com
Looeeze Grossman founded The Used Kitchen Company ( TUKC ) in 2005 , at a time when used and ex-display kitchens were simply ending up in landfill . TUKC now sells for over 1000 showrooms nationwide and as a result , has saved close to 20,000 tonnes of waste from landfill . Looeeze is always focused on influencing opinion , forging new partnerships and driving new initiatives that can enable the business to achieve the next milestone in recycling .
Having now sold thousands of kitchens , TUKC prides itself on having the most experience in the business and has an excellent reputation for efficiency and customer service within the kitchen industry .
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