Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 113

Foksha Homes
Igor wanted – and , for the first time , now had the means to create – his own slice of the American dream , building his first home from the ground up . Everything was his own . One hundred percent . Foundation , framing , fittings – the lot . It was perfect .
And then he built another . The homebuilding bug had taken hold , and Foksha Homes was to begin in earnest . “ At this point in time , I was just 16 years old ,” recalls Igor ’ s son , Oleg , who dials in from his car . He ’ s been visiting family across state – a small detail , but an important one , as we will soon discover .
Oleg , an active member and President of the local Home Builders Association , talks to us about his early career , fondly reminiscing over when he first joined his father to create the family business . Igor ’ s retiring soon , but Oleg still burns with ebullience . “ Anyway , I got my real estate license , and my father started to build more and more ,” he circles back . “ So , it was simple in practice : he built the houses , and I sold them .”
High-end finish
Things went pretty smoothly until they didn ’ t . When the financial crash hit in 2008 and the housing bubble burst , Oleg admits that you couldn ’ t even give homes away . “ We teamed up again but this time focusing on miscellaneous repairs , interior work , and getting houses ready for sale ,” he reveals . “ Really , we were just happy to have an
income . Looking back now , we very nearly didn ’ t make it through the recession . With enough of those small jobs , and by saving every penny , several years later we were ready to build our first house together as a team .
“ It went extremely well ,” he smiles . “ People gave us amazing reviews ; they loved the house , and it was affordable , which was
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