approve change orders on this platform and see what ’ s going on at any moment .
“ This takes away the unknowns of building the house . It ensures clients know what they ’ re paying for is what they ’ re receiving . Given that we are building custom homes , not massproduced housing , there are always bumps in the road . There are always decisions , discussions and issues to solve . My hope is that we bring some fun to the table while ultimately building a house they love with the least amount of stress possible .”
Clearly this is a successful approach , as the Burkhart brothers do not advertise their services ; with reputable notoriety and consistent word-of-mouth referrals there ’ s more than enough to keep the order book full . “ We really take this as the highest compliment ,” adds Bryan . “ We have several homes featured in the community home tours this year - the CDM Home Tour and the Newport Harbor Home Tour . These
An average remodel would be $ 2 million , with some higher , and all have a variety of challenges , and different styles
are exclusive community events , with hundreds of architects , designers ,
“ celebrities and influencers touring our completed homes . For clients to allow that kind of intrusion into their lives to illustrate our work , and celebrate Burkhart Bros - is a BIG DEAL for us .”
The business ’ specific focus on the communities in which it works is also a part of this successful approach . With their families based