Critical communications
As the construction and real estate markets continue to experience great volatility , Uniland continues to develop new , creative solutions . “ We are really doubling down in how we address our team building and management approaches . Whether you are building an app , a structure , or simply completing a function with more than one individual , it all comes down to two principles : process and communication . We are investing a lot
“ more time in the preconstruction and predevelopment stages , working alongside the design team to solve matters virtually , before they become real cost and time impacts onsite . It ’ s a holistic , hands-on methodology
We get to have a lot of fun in working with buildings that are 80 , 100 , and even 120 years old
where all participants are necessary and engaged in the completion of a project .
“ These two principles are also key to mitigating another of the largest challenges our industry faces : unforeseen conditions . Whether we are renovating an apartment
Uniland Corporation
building and find something we weren ’ t expecting , or discussing supply chain availability , pricing increases , or labor shortages , unforeseen conditions appear everywhere . This means it ’ s even more crucial today that all team members are on the same page and practicing good communication .
“ Looking ahead , we want to continue to build our reputation as a go-to renovation and new-construction builder of multifamily units
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