Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 41

Rock Solid Builders
RSB operates with a philosophy to not just build houses , but to design stunning homes where clients love to live , which celebrate family life in all of its aspects . In doing so , it delivers value through a combination of rigorous analysis , hands-on management and innovative design . “ We never cut corners ,” Vitali states , “ and we are never looking to make our money , then cut loose . We have been around for a long time and take great pride in what we do , for our incredibly loyal customer base . People are always referring us to their family members , and the majority of our homes are sold before they have a chance to hit the market . We have word-of-mouth to thank for our high number of off-market sales .
“ We use top-quality products , finishes and appliances to help us deliver higherend properties where people can live happily . We never receive complaints or have to revisit homes to repair issues . In some cases it may mean that we make a little less but it ’ s worth it for the value we can add . We invest in everything from faucets , plumbing , interior doors and windows to trim , molding , and kitchen cabinets ; everything is high-end and real wood , not the cheaper Home Depot stuff . People notice these details and appreciate it . Those in the market who are visiting three or four other properties can always see the difference when they walk into an RSB home . I take pride in every house that I build , so it would be impossible to choose a favorite . We ’ re currently managing between 30 and 40 per year , but as they ’ re on the more expensive end of the scale , we can really utilize the nicer features and finishes to make them stand out . That just isn ’ t possible with cheaper projects , as you can ’ t make all of that money back .”
The business ’ pipeline for 2023 currently features over 200 units in total , including three townhouse developments , multiple single-family homes and rentals , and a large apartment building that is currently awaiting approval . “ We mainly operate in Bergen County , New Jersey , and we try to stay local and control our main market . Being so close to New York City has implications on the availability of lots and development land parcels , so I generally try to focus on the bigger deals and , in the meantime , fill the gaps with spec houses . That ’ s how you evolve from renovations to construction and multi-construction to larger opportunities . The next big step for us would be high-rise buildings , but you don ’ t get to just jump up three steps like that , you need to climb the ladders slowly to get where you want to be .”
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