Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 75

“ I moved back to my hometown , Lubbock , Texas , to go into business with my dad , after having worked for a luxury builder in Dallas . Initially , I was building smaller homes on the side to generate a bit more cash flow . That ran until 2015 , so for 13 years Ventura was steadily evolving until I decided that I wasn ’ t going to do customs anymore . At this point , we made the move to take all of the knowledge and expertise we had accumulated in the luxury sector , and apply it to the production home market , which is where Ventura Homes is today .
“ A lot of the guys we have working for us have been with

me for 20 years , and the way I see it is , if you have laid tile or plumbed in a million-dollar home , it ’ s so much easier for you to replicate those skills on a smaller scale . It ’ s ingrained in you , and you don ’ t have to dance around how to do something , as you already know the best possible approach . I think that ’ s what really sets us apart . We do all of our own design build work , and pretty much 99 percent of it is speculative , so we don ’ t really have clients working alongside us . We build one-of-a-kind properties and sell them as is .”
Positive learning curve
In browsing through Ventura ’ s portfolio , you ’ ll find an eclectic collection of beautiful homes and carefully crafted neighborhoods . Jeff ’ s individualistic approach to innovation offers customers a breath of fresh air in terms of style and design , as he details : “ I gather inspiration from older homes , as we try to emulate the styles that were fashionable in the late 19th and early 20th centuries . European designs influence our work enormously . As such , we rely on books , alongside social media , as our main resources for specifications and ideas . We then apply new finishes and contemporary features to give our properties a truly timeless appeal .
“ My favorite aspect of construction is watching the process of creation . I always say to everybody in the organization ‘ this is not the only house we ’ re building ,’ every project has
the potential to be a learning curve . Whenever we finish a home , there are always aspects of the final product that you think ‘ if I had to do
Ventura ’ s unique selling point is the high-level of customer satisfaction that we provide

Ventura Homes
this again , I would do that differently ,’ which I see as a massive positive . It just means that next time we get to build something even better ! You don ’ t necessarily have to build the same structure twice to adopt the new skills that you ’ ve
picked up . I ’ m very lucky to wake up every day and do something that I ’ m so passionate about ; forming an initial idea on paper , which we get to watch as it comes to life .”


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