Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 92

The clients can see seven mountains from different parts of their main living areas on the upper level , including their bedroom

Spencer recently received the Central Oregon Builders Association ( COBA ) Architect of the Year 2022 Excellence award . “ Being recognized by your peers and community for what you ’ ve created is always nice ,” Spencer says . “ It ’ s a reminder of the vibrant construction industry that we have here , in which people care about each other ’ s work and achievements .”
Fine family homes
Pacwest , today , has come a long way from being Jim and Kristy ’ s passion project . “ I had never envisioned the company reaching the size it ’ s at today . In fact , I ’ m not sure I would ’ ve thought that we would still be in business ,” Jim explains . “ We were doing it out of enjoyment , and being self-employed allowed us the independence and freedom to do what we wanted , when we wanted . We just kind of moved from one job to the next focusing on producing high-quality work , but I always knew that I wanted to serve the custom market , so we ’ ve definitely hit that goal .
“ We ’ re doing multi-million-dollar properties now , and we ’ re currently working on one that may break the $ 10 million mark , which is exciting , but the market has changed too . This was a second-home region for some time , with a lot of people coming here for the outdoor activities , space to raise their families , and the general