Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 94

I can ’ t wait to be able to look back and say ‘ wow ! I never knew we were going to be capable of that !

“ Customer experience is a key part of the package that we deliver ,” he continues . “ We want the journey to be a fun one for our clients , as they are committing a lot of time , money , and mental energy to whatever project they approach us with . We try not to overwhelm people by throwing everything at them at once , we would much rather things be as smooth as possible from the get-go . In fact , later this morning we ’ re walking through a new lot with some potential clients to discuss the process . We consider it to be as much of an opportunity for us to interview them , as it is vice-versa , to make sure that they ’ re a good fit for Pacwest . When you ’ re signing up to a multi-year commitment with people , you need to know that you can achieve