Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 42

“ I would hope that , in five or ten years from now , we ’ re doing what we ’ re doing now , but with new innovations and product adjustments to continually adapt to an ever-changing set of buyer needs and preferences ,” he says .
Trustworthy name
Mike ’ s sentiments on how Eastbrook ’ s community projects aim to support new buyers are encouraging . With housing demand on the rise , clients can rest assured that Eastbrook is a trustworthy name .
The company has been building homes since 1967 , and has strived to get better
At Eastbrook , community is everything
each year . Eastbrook feels a sense of obligation to do its very best in every community because of how strongly it feels about the homes and neighborhoods it creates ; as well as the very personal nature of what it means to build a home for someone .
“ The unique thing about the industry we ’ re in is that almost everybody remembers all the homes they have lived in ,” Mike concludes . “ I know I do .
“ It ’ s not like selling a pair of shoes or a baseball bat to someone . We ’ re selling them something that they ’ re going to celebrate birthdays and holidays in , and that ’ s really special .
“ We take this opportunity very seriously . We will continue to do our very best to create communities that people want to make memories in – that is something we will continue to be passionate about .” ■
www . eastbrookhomes . com