Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 48

Of course , we want to capitalize on this , however we serve the luxury homes demographic at the moment . I want to see the right scalability in place , so that we can bring these houses down in price and make them affordable for everyone .
Inspiring alternatives
“ I see each of our homes as science projects ,” he concludes , “ where I get to design a home based on energy efficiency , optimization , and structural integrity . I ’ m so passionate about the unique nature that each of them holds . It all rolls back to my underlying principle of : why are we still building with wood ? Two hundred years ago , we built bridges out of wood , but today we use concrete and steel . Two hundred years ago , we built boats out of wood , and yes today , they ’ re classics , but they ’ re also super high maintenance . The first airplane was built out of wood , but you wouldn ’ t find me in a wooden Boeing 747 today . It ’ s the same with cars . So why are we still obsessed with building houses out of wood ? When it ’ s no longer a necessity , and there are so many better options staring right at us , why would you ?” ■
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