Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 54

Raising the bar
But what about Jim ? We ’ re eager to know his story .
“ I started in the construction trade right out of high school ,” he recalls . “ So , it ’ s safe to say that I got my feet wet at an early age ! By 1994 , I felt that it was time for me to provide a better experience to customers .
“ With 12 years of experience and a strong feeling in my gut , I knew it was the right time to establish a company of my own . To begin with , it was just me . Then I started hiring employees to assist me and I ’ ve never looked back .
“ I ’ m extremely proud of the accomplishments the company has achieved – both on a professional level and for myself on a personal level : the determination , pride , and
Each year , we ’ re simply raising the bar and setting new goals
the setting of core values which we now live by is really special ,” he adds .
Jim ’ s also keen to point out that , despite changes in the market and the passing of the years , his firm has always kept to its core values . “ We have really built the business upon them , almost like they are our foundation ,” he details .
“ Each year , we ’ re simply raising the bar and setting new goals . One primary goal will always be doing work that will last a lifetime , which gives us as a company a similar sense of timelessness . It ’ s really a superpower .
“ While some companies will focus on trendy work ,” Jim adds , “ we ’ re busy creating timeless homes – and , with each one , we can ’ t wait to drive past in