Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 57

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Jim
Reif Builders
Builders to others because they have firsthand experience of what we can do .”
As our conversation winds to a close , Jim begins to think about what the next few years will hold for both him and the company that bears his name . “ I think ( or hope ) they will be favorable ,” he laughs .
“ I know we will continue providing a lifechanging service to our clients , and if we do that then work should keep coming in . I can easily see our company turning 50 , propelling us to a level beyond the rest . “ We have a solid foundation ,” he concludes . “ But we ’ re also always adding to our building services . Right now , for instance , we ’ re putting an addition onto our office space so we can meet the needs of our clients in the future .” ■
www . jimreifbuilders . com
“ I loved the space we added on the back of the house ,” Jim continues . “ It ’ s beautiful : a big screened-in upper deck so the family can gaze over incredible views of Lake Michigan . Simply wonderful !”
Though this undoubtedly sounds special , Jim says it ’ s not an exception . Indeed , he argues all his projects are unique and memorable in their own way . He outlines the reasoning behind this : “ With every single project , the client ultimately leaves a mark upon us . We get to spend time together because of our unique design-build process , so we get to know them on a personal level fairly quickly , which , at least for me , is the really special part of what we do .
“ Some of those experiences turn into friendships that carry on well after the project is completed ,” Jim says . “ We go on to form personal connections with them and their families . A lot of those customers then promote Jim Reif


Proudly serving Manitowoc County , and the surrounding area , since 1959 . Working closely with our customers to provide great service and accommodate their needs .
Call : ( 920 ) 482-6275
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