Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 75

Luxury Homebuilder way too , such as adding a roof penthouse that could not be seen from the street . In total , it took around two and a half years to complete , but it is now fully finished , standing at around 8000 square feet .”
But the lengthy process was worth it ; although the homebuilding awards season for 2023 is only just beginning , this home has already been recognized as a platinum home by Chicago ’ s local Home Builders Association .
... I want to continue working with customers who genuinely appreciate , value , and enjoy the end product
Positive partnerships
Reflecting on the history of the business , Andrew comments : “ I ’ ve intentionally stayed small over the years , working on no more than three projects at any one time , which enables me to remain hands-on with every project . Also , homebuilding at this scale is typically a multi-year process , and being involved with the day-to-day process means I can form positive , longstanding relationships with our clients .
“ Building a home is a huge investment too , typically the biggest of our lifetime , so I want to continue working with customers who genuinely appreciate , value , and enjoy the end product ,” Andrew concludes . “ I ’ m amazed we ’ re celebrating 15 successful years of Middlefork this year ; it ’ s been through a lot of iterations , from its name to its business objectives , and I ’ m excited to see what evolutions are in store for us moving forward .” ■
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