Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 82




From passion project to stellar success , Jen Stockwell shares the story of Stockwell Homes

Stockwell Homes is the happy product of natural talent and some gentle encouragement . Jen Stockwell , Owner and Designer , elaborates on what has been quite a journey . “ I started the business because several people urged me to . I never envisioned this sector as part of my career path . I actually have a degree in music from St . Olaf College . Growing up in a small town in eastern Iowa , my parents always had a home improvement project underfoot , so I was surrounded by construction and remodeling from a young age .

“ When my husband and I bought our first home in South Minneapolis , it needed a lot of work . We took on a few big projects with that property and really improved the value of the home . It was around this time that we were ready to start a family . We fell in love with the bones of a big 1950s rambler and set out on a mission to bring the property back to life , making it our family home . We carried out a complete overhaul , with me doing all the design and drafting work myself . I used the entry-level version of the same software that I still use today , Chief Architect Premier . I have a background in graphic design from my early career , so the transfer from one software to the next was pretty seamless ,” she continues .
“ While we hired one of the top builders in the area to complete the construction elements , what transpired was an awful experience .