Modern Home Builders Issue 129 October 2023 | Page 41

Image © Casey Dunn
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Doug is a LEED Green Associate , and in 2021 was one of ten builders in the US to be featured as building science experts on The Build Show Network . Through his extensive training and hands-on expertise , he has nurtured a career as a leading Building Scientist , and has become a top building science influencer .
Turning to the company ’ s origin , Lillie explains : “ We ’ re both chemically-sensitive people , and care deeply about our environment and what we put inside our bodies , which is where the motivation for the business came from . There are all kinds of potentially damaging toxins in various products that most people are just not aware of , and these are even more damaging to children . Anything that is carcinogenic to an adult is seven times more carcinogenic to a child . That ’ s where we step in – to monitor and analyze the data of the products going into a home .”
With a passion for creating non-toxic homes , Lillie and Doug Cameron co-founded the business in 2007
Lillie shares that anytime a new home is built , there is some amount of new chemicals introduced , and currently , with the cost of energy on the rise , homes are built with tighter envelopes to control the air that goes in and out . “ To alleviate some of these concerns ,” Doug adds , “ One of our newest projects , for example , includes the installation of a carbon filter system that cleans the air inside the home , eradicating toxic gases , also know as VOCs , when activated by a VOC sensor .” modernhb . com 41