Modern Home Builders Issue 132 | Page 15

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Taking into account the geo-political instability across the world at the moment , Alexander ’ s solution to housing seems like a no-brainer . Having experienced the war in Ukraine first hand , his determination to keep going is admirable , making the homes seem even more special . From Chris ’ perspective , Alexander ’ s ability to continue to produce a high-quality product , while mentally coping with the trauma of the situation in Ukraine , is a testament to his resilient spirit . “ It doesn ’ t matter what the circumstances are , he always has a smile on his face . It ’ s quite extraordinary for me to witness ,” Chris shares .
And so , with the same optimism , Alexander looks to the future with big plans to continue the success of the business . “ This is the solution that best fits the current state of people ’ s movement now . Whether it ’ s work or wanting a new place to live , these homes are exactly the answer . They ’ re easy to take apart and rebuild , and we want to get them to as many people as possible ,” Alexander concludes . ■
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