Modern Home Builders Issue 132 | Page 66

A refined process
Turning to CroweBuilt ’ s individualized process , the first step to any new home is to gain a clearer understanding of the customer ’ s vision . “ Most of our clients have already secured their plot of land by the time they approach us ,” Evan explains . “ We get new customers to fill out our onboarding form before we hold an initial meeting , which helps to identify expectations and potential challenges early in the process .
“ Around half of our customers also have an architect or designer in mind when we start working together , but the other half are open to our recommendations . It ’ s crucial that we build a positive relationship with clients based on trust and honesty from the beginning , as we ’ re going to be working together for 18-to- 24 months between design and build .”
The team then creates a scope for the project to outline pricing and timeline estimates . While customers secure their funding , CroweBuilt works behind the scenes to secure construction permits . “ One of the big questions customers ask us is the price per square footage , but it ’ s so difficult to answer as each property is so unique ,” Evan details . “ It ’ s generally based on conditioned space , but we look at their inspiration pictures and advise them if their budget is feasible . “ We then work with the architect or designer to get the plans together . Once 66