Modern Home Builders Issue 133 | Page 38

“ We ’ ve realized that managing our own people is a job in itself ,” adds David . “ Finding the right people who fit with us and can do this day in , day out for years is sometimes a challenge . I think what is missing for me is finding people with enough experience . We are always trying to find people who will continue to work in our company , who have the same vision , who have the same mindset and who can contribute to the JBG family that we have created .”
Expanding operations
Working in California engenders enhanced legislative and regulatory requirements , including around renewable energy . “ California is really cutting edge in this area , and there ’ s a certain number of solar panels that have to be included on new homes , as well as an electric car charging point ,” says Nathan . “ We ’ re finding that when incorporated with a Tesla battery storage backup system , it not only greatly reduces energy bills , but it protects the homeowners from blackouts .
“ In high fire zones there can be a lot of power cuts , because high winds cause power lines to fall , and they cause fires . So , in Malibu they cut the power on high wind days , and we find that clients who didn ’ t get a backup system initially experience a few blackouts and are then keen to investigate it retroactively !”
Given its understanding of what is required to deliver the most luxurious properties in California , it ’ s not surprising to learn that JBG is considering sharing the benefit of its experience in a new location , as David reveals . “ You know , Aspen is incredible , but it is Miami where we ’ ve been talking about opening a division , as we have noticed that there aren ’ t a lot of high-end builders there .