Modern Home Builders Issue 134 | Page 103

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bob Webb
Bob Webb is very excited about it . We believe people will truly appreciate the time , resources , and effort we put in to be able to retain the natural beauty of the site instead of clearing all the trees to make as many lots as possible ,” he proudly affirms .
Always striving to be progressive and on the cutting edge , Bob Webb is committed to keeping up with trends and client feedback . “ Becky consistently does a tremendous amount of research on design , bringing forward to our team concepts she has discovered . Besides this , we organize meetings with our subcontractor base every couple of months to discuss recent innovations such as new plumbing fixtures and more energy efficiency items , which are obviously in high demand right now . Because they understand our ambitions and ethos as a builder , our subcontractors do a great job of offering energy-efficient and environmentally friendly items that are a little more upper-end yet cutting-edge and innovative , which is very attractive to our customers ,” Brandon points out .
In concluding the conversation , Becky reveals that the company is “ very open to learning from customers because they are very well-informed these days . Indeed , they are doing their own online research and identifying features they may be interested in , so we do learn a lot from them , too .”
By prioritizing customer needs , delivering exceptional craftsmanship , and cultivating a team with diverse talents , Bob Webb consistently exceeds expectations and sets new standards in luxury home building . With a focus on energy efficiency and innovative design , the company is well-positioned to cater to future generations of homebuyers . The ongoing projects in Dublin and New Albany are sure to further bolster Bob Webb ’ s reputation in Central Ohio ’ s homebuilding landscape . ■
www . bobwebb . com
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