Modern Home Builders Issue 134 | Page 122

After spending nearly 20 years working for small , medium , and large home building companies , Michael knew it was time to branch off and start his own luxury custom home company . However , before embarking on this new chapter of his life , Michael sought the advice of other small custom home builders he knew in his area .
According to Michael : “ Someone suggested I find a good attorney to develop contract documents , while another advised me to have a good accountant to establish the payment and receiving processes . A third contractor emphasized the importance of developing a consistent marketing campaign . But it was the fourth builder who was hesitant to share any constructive information with someone he saw as a formidable competitor .” Unknowingly , it was this contractor who shared a bit of advice that now defines Aurora Builders . He elaborates : “ Before embarking on your own business journey , it is critical that you identify three ways which differentiate your business from your competition .” Michael took this suggestion to heart and thereby created Aurora ’ s unique identity .
Committed to a low volume approach
“ We typically build two to three luxury custom homes each year , ranging in size from 5000-to-12,000 square feet , and costing between $ 2-milion-to- $ 5-million to build . This focus on limited volume affords us more quality time devoted to each of our valued clients , as well as more time spent on-site managing the work of our skilled craftsmen .” Michael continues . “ Our goal is to deliver a truly custom-building experience to each one of our clients .”
While most people initially seek the services of an architect to design their home , before interviewing builders to solicit bids , Aurora believes in a different approach . As Michael explains : “ We suggest an owner choose their builder first , and then have the builder select a qualified design professional . In this way , the owner benefits from the combined talents of both the architect and the contractor throughout the plan design phase . The contractor provides key information regarding material choices and labor costs , while the architect focuses on the creative interpretation of the owner ’ s wants and needs . The result is a home designed around the lifestyle and budget of the family .”
Dedicated to building high performance homes
Energy efficiency is the cornerstone of any high-performance home , and Aurora incorporates the latest devices and installations to deliver maximum efficiency at a reduced level of energy consumption . As Certified Green Professionals ( CGP ), Aurora employs the latest advances in building science technology and sustainable practices .