Modern Home Builders Issue 134 | Page 147

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Galilee

Based in San Angelo , Texas , Galilee CDC ( Galilee ) is a not-for-profit organization providing affordable housing options for residents on low to moderate incomes . Having impacted the lives of more than 200 families across the Concho Valley , Galilee is on a mission to aid homelessness , revitalize declining communities , and support economic growth .

As the Community Housing Development Organization ( CHDO ) for the city of San Angelo , Galilee operates several community programs to support lowincome residents with affordable home ownership and rental properties , as well as light rehabilitation and repairs . To learn more about Galilee ’ s operations and its latest developments , we sit down with Stephanie Hamby , Executive Director , and Carlos Cruz , Rehabilitation Manager .
▲ Stephanie Hamby and Carlos Cruz
Improving lives
“ Galilee was established in 2000 by the late Rev . Floyd Crider , who recognized the need for decent , affordable housing ,” begins Stephanie . “ Floyd witnessed families living in poorly constructed housing across San Angelo ’ s low-income neighborhoods and was determined to reverse the impact of physical and moral deterioration in the community . modernhb . com 147