Modern Home Builders Issue 134 | Page 42

To address this issue , Baessler Homes collaborated significantly with architects and engineers . “ We created new product lines , offering both single-family homes and townhomes with slab foundations . In fact , most builders in Colorado customarily integrate basement foundations in their homes , even if it is not necessarily needed . By shifting away from basements and working on our efficiencies , processes , and products , we were able to have a breakthrough , increasing our output from roughly 170 homes prior to the pandemic to over 300 homes in 2022 . Undoubtedly , this growth was fueled by our success in the first-time homebuyer market , where there was less competition in building homes under the $ 450,000 mark ,” Steve says . Baessler Homes townhomes are currently starting from $ 305,000 , while its single-family homes are in the $ 363,000 range . “ I believe we tapped into this market at the right time as the pandemic caused many builders to haphazardly react ; we were able to manage through the challenges the pandemic placed on the housing industry thanks to our approach ,”
Successfully targeting such a specific audience requires a well-thought-out strategy . To keep costs down for firsttime buyers , Baessler Homes places a great emphasis on building homes in the right locations , while also recognizing the value of a reliable supply chain in achieving this goal . “ Relationships and fostering open dialogue with our trade partners and suppliers is critical to us . At Baessler Homes , we consider them as part of our team . Indeed , our work starts with our trade partners and helping them understand what we strive to accomplish . By sharing our vision with them , our trade partners are able to give us ideas on improving our efficiency , eliminating waste , and bringing down costs ,” explains Steve .
Contact Rory :
970.294.1676 dnrconstructionllc @ gmail . com
We specialize in :
• Commercial & Residential Footings & Foundations
• Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior Flatwork
• Excavation