Modern Home Builders Issue 134 | Page 66

To build a legacy and give back to communities in need , Brush Arbor operates its own non-profit organization , Buy One Build One . For each completed custom home , a share of the profits is used to fund the scheme , which builds another home , community center , or clinic in some of the world ’ s poorest regions . Previous projects include home renovation and new construction for families torn apart by conflict or natural disasters , providing safety and community for families in need .
“ Buy One Build One is our purpose ; it connects everything we do with everything we believe about our ability – and responsibility – to care for those in need ,” Jonathan reflects . “ Life is short , and the life of a company is also short in the grand scheme of things . While Brush Arbor remains strong , I know that if it all ended tomorrow , I am most fulfilled by the houses and care centers we have built around the world .”
As our conversation ends , Jonathan shares his vision for the future . “ We ’ re currently seeing clients in the upper price bracket that don ’ t have the time or bandwidth to search for lots ,” he says . “ For this reason , I think we will increasingly attract customers who want us to find the lot on their behalf , then design and build their home to fit both their lot and their budget .
“ I don ’ t have specific growth goals in terms of size or turnover ,” Jonathan concludes . “ I operate with the approach of taking things one day at a time with current projects . We will , of course , pivot to new market trends as they emerge and will continue to act with integrity and excellence to deliver clients ’ dream homes .” ■
www . brusharborhomes . com