Modern Home Builders Issue 134 | Page 95

___________________________________________________________________________ Peterson and Collins Builders residence that plays a significant role in architectural history . While I . M . Pei is renowned for commercial and institutional architecture like the Louvre Pyramid and the National Gallery of Art East Wing , the Chinese American architect also designed just three residential structures during his career , one of which Peterson and Collins is tasked with restoring .
“ We ’ re working in collaboration with Robert on what he is considering his most significant commission ,” Ted elaborates . “ As one of only three I . M . Pei residences , it ’ s an honor to work on such a significant historical property . However , the project has come with challenges , as most of the original historical fabric could not be disturbed . Robert ’ s solution was to extend the house downwards by building a third story underneath the existing floors , so that the external envelope remains the same .” The exterior finishes have been completely restored or reworked to accommodate the new accessory garage and office structure ; this design is another example of architecture becoming art . The owners are excited about helping preserve the original I . M . Pei residence while creating a home that will become a legacy to the family . They regard themselves as not only owners of a house that is an important part of architectural history , but also stewards of that history .
Considering both Ted ’ s home and the ongoing restoration of an I . M . Pei residence , it ’ s clear to see that Peterson and Collins is a unique homebuilder . By placing an emphasis on quality and design , the business will continue to build breathtakingly artistic homes that last for generations . ■
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