Modern Home Builders Issue 135 October 2024 | Page 119

KBUILD of licensed technicians , carpenters , and designers take care of every possible detail . Working alongside the client ’ s architect , from picking up permits to the finishing touches , KBUILD promises peace of mind at every stage of the project .
Likewise , painting can totally transform the look of an entire space . Whether for an interior or exterior , a commercial or residential property , the talented paint crew has everything covered . Clients can enjoy attention to detail , friendly service , and a beautiful , finished product . KBUILD ’ s paint crew comprises the best painters in the area with a combined experience of over 95 years .
At KBUILD , as well as custom build and remodel projects for both the residential and commercial markets , the team also offers bespoke services , such as its in-house fabrication service for custom countertops and glass for residential customers . Skilled craftsmen use state-of-the-art equipment and high-quality materials to create unique and personalized pieces that perfectly match customers ’ design preferences and functional needs . modernhb . com 119