Modern Home Builders Issue 135 October 2024 | Page 141

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Grainda
Builders mentor , Bruce Giffin , says “ the role of builder is one who creates organization out of chaos ”. It ’ s easy to get wrapped up in the chaos and lose sight of a learning opportunity . When we approach problem solving , I first want my team to identify what went wrong , what are the learning opportunities , and how can improvements be made for the future . It ’ s not about placing blame ; it ’ s about figuring out how we can get better as a team . So , curiosity , not blame , is another focus . Certainly , we also have a growth model in place in the longer term . We generally do about $ 10 million in revenue a year . Our focus is on sustainable growth , and we want to continue producing a quality product for our clients ,” he concludes . “ I would rather focus on the right projects with the right clients and ensure that we ’ re potential clients ’ first choice . Our goal is to establish lasting relationships , focused on getting our clients where they want to be .” ■
www . graindabuilders . com
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