______________________________________________________________________________________________ Manchac Homes
“ It was 2020 when business really exploded . I realized that I could no longer do everything by myself and there was a small period of growing pains as I navigated our current contracts at the time alongside recruiting my team . I remember signing my first ever million-dollar contract for an equestrian property in a rural area . Off the back of this , large scale projects came flooding in and I haven ’ t looked back since . I ’ m proud to say that Manchac Homes is now a household name here in Louisiana , and our portfolio today now consists of large-scale , complex projects , complemented by perhaps one spec home each year .
“ The reason why I choose to occasionally build a spec home is purely personal ,” he reveals . “ As the company becomes synonymous with luxury custom homes , we ’ re restricted by what the homeowners and designers want , but we ’ re a passionate team with thousands of creative ideas . Building a spec home enables us to execute our ideas and designs with no limitations . It becomes a teambuilding exercise for us and reminds us why we do what we do for other people .”
Award winners
Russell ’ s passion is clear to see , and we ’ re keen to learn more about how he broke into the homebuilding industry . “ I have always loved luxury homes and as a young boy , I always dreamed of building luxury homes one day ,” Russell reflects . “ When my parents and I would visit Home Depot , I would make them purchase the books full of house plans located by the checkout registers , which I ’ d take home and use to recreate my own floor plans . My parents would even buy me sticker books of furniture logos and items to lay out the entire home .
“ However , as the first in my family to attend college , I chose to pursue an accounting degree at LSU . Upon graduating from LSU and working a few years as an accountant , I
realized that I didn ’ t necessarily care for a ‘ ninemodernhb . com 145