Modern Home Builders Issue 136 December 2024 | Page 102

each project we take on . Additionally , we are different from larger corporations where reaching the owner may involve navigating through multiple layers of staff . Here , 60 percent of the time , calls are answered by my daughter , who serves as Office Manager , and the remaining 40 percent of the time , I personally handle incoming calls . This streamlined process ensures that clients and homeowners can easily reach us without unnecessary steps or intermediaries ,” Eric explains .
Energy experts
To highlight Spartan Homes custom building excellence , Eric shares details of a recent project : the Steeplechase . “ We purchased the plan for the Steeplechase
from architect Donald Gardner . The Steeplechase was a project for a customer who owned a beautiful lot where they had just built a top-of-the-line two-story boat dock . However , the client ’ s existing home required significant remodeling work , and even though we could have made additions and renovations , it would not have been enough to fully meet their family ’ s needs . Therefore , they decided to demolish the house and selected us to build the Steeplechase , a residence spanning just over 7000 square feet . We modified the design to incorporate windows at the rear as a way to take advantage of the expansive lakefront views .
“ Every house we build , including the Steeplechase , is a custom project , whether it involves minor adjustments or significant modifications . We either create the plans from scratch or purchase the rights to a plan and then redraw it , as we did for the Steeplechase , to accommodate any of the homeowner ’ s preferences .
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