Modern Home Builders Issue 136 December 2024 | Page 161

____________________________________________________________________________________ Nanke Signature Group
especially with so many young people moving away from the industry . To address this shortage , we are in the process of creating more interest to encourage kids to attend trade schools to learn construction . Additionally , we are developing the Nanke Foundation , which will be a sort of homage to my grandfather , our family , and our history , all while providing necessary funds for scholarships supporting trade programs . We are also connected with an American organization called the She Built Foundation , whose driving purpose is to educate kids , especially young women , about the homebuilding process and to spark interest in the industry .
Workforce development
“ To further address the lack of skilled labor , we are dedicated to donating funds to Prescott ’ s Yavapai College , a local community college , which has expanded its course offerings to include skilled trades programs like construction . These programs enable people with limited financial means to get into the homebuilding industry and make a good living . Similarly , we are collaborating with a client locally to fund a scholarship for students at Yavapai College , making it easier for kids who might be interested in becoming skilled labor but may not feel so compelled by their peers who may be attending four-year institutions . Although a four-year institution is still a valuable career path , we believe that everyone is meant for different things , and we certainly need to foster a young workforce that feels confident in who they are and what they do ,” Jared goes on , visibly passionate about this issue .
With Jared guiding the business into a promising new era , Nanke ’ s legacy of craftsmanship and integrity will undoubtedly continue to shine , cementing its position as a trailblazer in the industry . ■
www . nankeluxuryhomesprescott . com
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