Modern Home Builders Issue 136 December 2024 | Page 70


Offering luxurious custom homes across Dallas , Texas , Milan Custom Build is a custom homebuilder built on the foundations of trust , luxury , and integrity . Although originally established by a group of businessmen , the business is today owned by seasoned construction professionals , Richard Bragg and Arlen Haruthunian .

Having completed several projects throughout Dallas , as well as in New York , Milan Custom Build has earned a strong reputation for its ability to deliver truly custom homes that exceed customer expectations . The business also leverages relationships with popular architects to collaborate on projects from a design and architectural standpoint .
We sit down with Richard to learn more about the business , its most notable projects , and why it stands out from competitors . “ Milan Custom Build started as a boutique , luxury construction outfit , originally owned by a group of businessmen from out of state ,” he begins . “ The group wanted to create a Dallasbased company to enter the very competitive luxury homebuilding market , but without construction experience , they hired external people to look after projects , which is when I joined the company around six years ago .
“ However , after working together for a few years , Arlen and I came to recognize the value of a homebuilding company owned and operated by builders , not businessmen . Arlen was also a project manager at the time , and together , we decided to make an offer around three years ago to purchase the business . The previous owners agreed , as they appreciated the perspectives and experiences we brought to the business and had always intended to exit the company eventually .
“ As of September 2021 , Arlen and I became the official owners and we ’ re very 70