Modern Home Builders Issue 136 December 2024 | Page 87

“ Ben and I created CopeGrand together in Charleston , South Carolina about ten years ago . From the beginning , our focus has specifically been on building the most robust team of project managers and preconstruction experts . With our Dream Team here at CopeGrand , we invest a great deal of additional time and attention to organize , plan and manage our clients ’ financial goals to maximize their investment and property value , and therefore , their enjoyment of their
dream homes . We have come a long way in our development of our process , and we are certainly very proud of our Team here at CopeGrand . Each are absolutely professionals in each of their roles ,” he opens .
Balanced approach
Charleston is known for offering countless homebuilding opportunities , which empower CopeGrand to undertake a wide variety of projects . “ Being in the Lowcountry , which is prone to flooding and is home to many
historic sites , Charleston is uniquely diverse .
As a result , we have developed expertise in
a number of areas , though we particularly excel in hurricane-fortified and flood-prepared
homes . We also specialize in historic restoration
and preservation , as well as classic Lowcountry and contemporary architecture . In recent years , we have also expanded our focus to include modern architecture . Most of the clients we
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