Issue 137 - 2025
Remodeling Learn the key elements of spa-inspired bathroom design
Insurance Why homebuilders should consider embedded insurance
How David Lewis Builder inspires families to gather , connect and make memories
Real Estate Three solutions to the nation ’ s affordable housing shortage
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Hello and welcome to the latest issue of Modern Home Builders . Let ’ s start with an exciting announcement – the magazine is now publishing monthly ! I am thrilled that we ’ ve achieved enough
growth to meet this milestone , and I very much look forward to sharing content with you every month going forward . Ensure you don ’ t miss any issues by subscribing on our website .
Focusing on February , MHB welcomes real estate maestro Ben Caballero . He proposes three innovative solutions to solving the US affordable housing shortage – turn to page 18 to find out if you agree with his suggestions . Alongside Ben ’ s piece , Pam Durkin delves into spa-inspired bathroom design , and Alan Umaly discusses the appeal of embedded insurance to homebuyers . As ever , if there ’ s something you ’ d like us to cover , please let me know .
Libbie Hammond , Editor LH @ finelightmediagroup . com
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Our cover story goes inside David Lewis Builder – a creator of homes that puts each client ’ s vision and satisfaction at the center of their project .
Turn to page 24 to learn more .
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