Lewis Builder
With a commitment to meeting clients ’
needs and delivering uncompromising
quality in construction and design , David Lewis Builder ’ s design process includes collaborative work with industry experts . “ Recently ,” David continues , “ I was lucky to
work with a couple from Dallas who hired the architectural firm , D Stanley Dixon out of
Atlanta , Georgia . It ’ s been a fabulous project to work on and Stanley and his team are
very talented . I ’ ve learnt a lot from Stanley ’ s perspective in terms of scale and proportion .”
Architectural vernacular
This project is a perfect example of David
Lewis Builder ’ s ability to adapt to new design styles . “ This is a different genre for me because it ’ s rooted in an architectural style you would find in Atlanta and across the Southeastern US . The architect refers to it as neoclassical elegance . It demonstrates
Providing Clients with Craftsmen Who Love What They Do .
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