David Lewis Builder __________________________________________________________________________________________
alongside the manager ’ s house as well as the owner ’ s quarters . We ’ ll be constructing roadways , adding lakes and bridges , and we will be building on-site veterinarian facilities with an equine reproduction lab . The property will be a champion horse breeding facility spanning 180 acres , which is very exciting .
“ So , as you can tell , 2025 is set to be a busy time . I believe Texas is well-positioned for population growth and continued prosperity , so it ’ s a very good time to be doing what we do . In five years , I plan on taking a bit more of a back seat and allowing some of the team around here to run things . I ’ ll be 73 , still here God willing , and I enjoy working , so I don ’ t think there ’ s a rule that says when you must stop . The team here is great ,” David concludes , “ they enjoy what they do , and I try to help them pursue their passions and talents , whether that ’ s managing projects or designing or building . It ’ s a collaborative effort from all of us here at David Lewis Builder , now and for the future .” ■
www . davidlewisbuilder . com