___________________________________________________________________________________ Joseph
Douglas Homes ensure we can still interact with them and remain at the forefront . Furthermore , we will showcase a new model in the 2025 Parade of Homes , which is significant in our region as it draws 15,000-to-20,000 visitors every fall . We also have several boutique communities in the works within a 50- mile radius of Milwaukee . Among the 2025 projects is “ The Cove at Custer ”, a duplex community that will feature 20 for sale condominiums arranged to preserve over 80 percent of the site ’ s natural open space . This sheltered boutique community is focused on convenient living for working professionals and retirees ,” he ends .
By navigating economic downturns and readjusting its focus , Joseph Douglas proves its agility and commitment to innovation . With a keen awareness of ever-changing trends , the company will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in the future of luxury living and custom home building in the Milwaukee region . ■
www . josephdouglashomes . com
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