Modern Home Builders Issue 137 February 2025 | Page 58

Top Milwaukee Home Builders ___________________________________________________________________________

John Wahlen , Founder , Owner , and CEO of Cornerstone Development ( Cornerstone ) started the company in 2005 . After a career in teaching John moved into sales and marketing , working for a few of the larger U . S . packaged goods corporations , and , after achieving great success , decided to set up his own business . John outlines the company ’ s inception : “ I bought a franchise to build condominiums here in Milwaukee , so I moved back and began to build homes with a business partner . Then in 2008 , the banking crisis and subsequent financial crash presented us with some significant challenges . My business partner ended up moving on to other things . I stayed and managed to find a new bank that could provide the finance to get going again . Since then , we ’ ve solidified and grown as a company , constructing and

Us 262-221-8506 interstateheating . com
N53 W24950 S Corporate Circle Sussex Wi 53089
Three Generations Strong We still follow the most basic rule of business : Treat customers the way they want to be treated , understand comfort is a big part of what makes a house a home , and make it easier to create and care for an ideal environment .
We serve Southeast Wisconsin in a number of ways :
• Heating & Cooling
• Indoor Air Quality
• Radiant Heating
• Sheet Metal Roofing selling out 19 communities and over 800 condominium and single-family homes over the past 17 years .”
Company vision
John expands on some of the key details of Cornerstone ’ s offering : “ We build homes that are designed to transform lifestyles . For example , many of our customers are