Modern Homes Builders Issue 130 | Page 24

Utilize technology and automation
Can ’ t find enough qualified human talent to get the job done ? As the technological revolution persists , new construction technology and automation have emerged as effective tools to offset some of the workload that formerly required skilled workers . While it ’ s impossible to replace the work of laborers completely , tools like artificial intelligence have been utilized to successfully perform administrative tasks , while advanced tools and automation have become assets on job sites to keep projects on schedule despite a lack of workers .
For efficiency and to mitigate the impacts of the labor shortage , construction leaders should look to technology to unlock potential efficiencies at job sites and for administrative needs wherever possible .
Reduce workload
In addition to offloading tasks to technology , leaders should seek further ways to reduce stress and strain on skilled laborers during periods of understaffing . Burnout is a major risk to retention , and mitigating stress felt by top performers is key to maintaining your workforce .
To accomplish this , companies should focus on simplifying work wherever