Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 19

Main interview and what code changes mean for the consumer .
“ For example , I would happily install a car charging station at someone ’ s home , much as I would a fire sprinkler or anything else anybody wants me to , but I would rather it be a choice rather than a government mandate . Incorporating a car charging station will add a couple of thousand dollars to the price of a home . It ’ s great if that ’ s what a consumer tells me they want , but for those that don ’ t , don ’ t mandate it . It can always be added at a later date .”
The coming year is set to be a busy time for Alicia . She has signed up for the NAHB ’ s Mentor Match program , and while yet to be matched with anyone , she is looking forward to having that focus when her tenure is up . Mentor Match is the latest addition to the NAHB ’ s suite of services supporting members ’ professional development needs . This online tool facilitates the establishment of mentoring relationships . User driven , it allows registered mentees to search among registered mentors , using specified criteria , to find individuals whose experience and expertise match areas in which they wish to be mentored . Likewise , registered mentors can search for and identify potential mentees .
“ I have talked to several people who have been involved in the program ,” Alicia explains , “ and they are really loving it and glad we put it into play . I have had mentors in my career and would love for others to have similar relationships with people they

Alicia believes that the homebuilding sector will continue to rise to the challenges it faces

can call on . My predecessor , Jerry Konter , has always been a confidant . Now we work together , I do look to him for advice from time to time , and he is a great advisor .

“ Anybody who is passionate about home building should jump right into it . It ’ s a tough business . Every day is different , and every day brings new challenges , but it ’ s so extremely rewarding , with some wonderful opportunities out there ,” she enthuses .
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