Championing construction
Turning more generally to the current homebuilding climate in the US , Alicia asserts that there is still a huge demand for housing . “ We are experiencing numerous changes in the aftermath of the pandemic , and right now , inflation is at its highest rate for quite some time . As a result , first-time buyers have probably been hit the hardest , but home ownership is not out of reach . Housing is still attainable , and the American homeowning dream is still alive .
“ Alongside inflation , another challenge we ’ re facing is labor shortages . The NAHB is partnering with educators , members and state and local HBAs to address the housing industry ’ s labor shortages and to develop a skilled workforce for the future . We are pushing Congress to make sure trades stay on the same footing as a four-year college education . Much of the time we ’ re striving to
The organization strives to protect the American Dream of housing opportunities for all
ensure parents understand that it ’ s a viable
“ option for their children to finish high school and enter the world of work as an alternative to taking on four years of student debt with no clear career path at the end of it .
“ Of course , we are simultaneously focusing on ongoing supply chain shortages , and working with Congress to mitigate some of those issues . We are encouraging our members to join the NAHB in showing support for the Defense Production Act that will help ease shortages of electric distribution transformers . We are working as hard as we can to see some light at the end of this tunnel .