Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 46

Alair Homes ’ approach to luxury homebuilding is simple : bespoke solutions . Through a combination of client expectations , meticulously planned budgets , excellent interior design and architecture , the company brings any client ’ s dream to life . “ What we build is a byproduct of our service as builders and remodelers ,” shares Chris Bolio , the Regional Partner for Alair Dallas-Fort Worth . “ Alair provides a service of organization , communication , education , and product management to create a stunning home , and make the project a structure in which lives can unfold ,” he continues . Chris sits down with Modern Home Builders to share the importance of relationships , and how Alair Homes ’ approach has led to its continued success . Established in Canada , the franchise homebuilder has nine partners in Texas and five in the

Dallas-Fort Worth market . Chris who is a franchisee himself , serves as the local representative of Alair Homes , and as additional support for the regional and local franchisees , also known as local partners . Other local partners include James Hammel , Colin Snider , Diane and Chad Hatfield , Mike Scarlett , Sherry and Paul Zuch , and Joelle and Cole Lowry .
According to Chris , the homes we occupy have

The company boasts over 130 individual partners
a significant impact on the quality of our lives . “ Essentially , the home base is where we actualize who we want to be , what we accomplish , where we see ourselves in the future ; it is the backdrop for where our kids grow up and our lives unfold . It ’ s where we all start and end our days . This means that there is a huge responsibility on builders and remodelers to do