Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 48

According to Chris , the homes we occupy have a significant impact on the quality of our lives
Bringing together homes of great grandeur takes more than just the finest materials ; it also takes a welloiled team and a dedicated network of suppliers , upon which Alair Homes relies heavily . “ The people are really important , and that supportive instinct is what we look for in a partner . Although they are technically franchisees , we call them partners because that is what we are looking for ; someone who helps make our entity stronger . We ’ re looking for successful builders and remodelers with a passionate desire to improve , a drive to strengthen their teams , and a vision to create an environment where success is shared .”
Working relationships
Chris expresses that from a project ’ s start to finish , there are hundreds of people that must be honored , and respected , and Alair Homes works to maintain a high level of communication to achieve this . “ The strength of our relationships is the foundation for consistent success , and that consistency is only possible because our partners nurture fantastic relationships .”
Alair partners , Diane and Chad Hatfield , speak highly of their relationships with their local partners saying : “ We enjoy each other ’ s company , value the business and building experience and expertise of the others , and share many of the same values . The relationships are strong in that we will stop to help each other whenever we see a need . Whether that is with a building question , supplier / trade partner , or bringing a meal to another who is having a hard time . Whatever it is , our Alair partners are special to us , and it doesn ’ t stop with the owners . The relationships extend down through each of our teams ; we will help whenever and whatever is needed .”
This also applies to the customers with which the business chooses to work . “ Our clients are people who want to be involved and who look for a builder in which they can trust . Every client has a different balance of what they feel is important , and it ’ s our job to guide them on their decision-making and provide as much information as possible . The magic is finding the balance between client expectations and their budget . In the same breath , some clients want to buy a house off the shelf – not ours . Our clients want the education , the collaboration and the experience of bringing their home to life .”
The company boasts over 130 individual partners and relationships , with approximately 100 working companies . For Chris , this success has not been as a result of meeting