Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 66

We are currently working on our biggest project yet in terms of square-footage thought through before construction even begins . As the company ’ s completed homes often include vaulted ceilings , for example , or ornate details like ceiling roses and traditional-looking features , these all require concise , early planning .
Positive relationships
DDC attributes much of its success to the family-run element of the business . “ When you have people you love and trust alongside you , especially in a business venture , I believe you are much more likely to succeed ,” states Mark . “ It ’ s very much a family operation ; Shelly is our Design Consultant , assisting clients with interior design , our daughter , Amanda , looks after all our social media , and Amanda ’ s husband , Michael is our graphic designer and Vice President . We also live right next door to each other , so we really are always together ! “ Most of our projects are referrals from past clients , or friends and family of past clients ,” he explains . “ We tend to