Modern Home Builders Issue 126 April | Page 67

Decor Design & Construction have a great relationship with clients after completion , as they appreciate the help and support we provide them . In fact , a lot of our customers are very welcoming in showing our realtors or potential clients around their new home , giving them a feel for the floorplan and design , which is particularly helpful for those individuals not au fait with certain technology , preferring to physically experience the space instead !”
DDC ’ s positive relationships are not only customer-based but extend to its suppliers and partners too . “ A lot of our vendors and sub-contractors across the board really appreciate working with us , especially because we are a family business ,” Mark says . “ People love that we are compassionate and treat everyone like our own family .
“ This was particularly important during the Covid-19 pandemic , as we had to work closely with all of our suppliers and vendors to find relevant solutions ,” he continues . “ Solutions were hard to find on some occasions , but we worked through it together , finding ways of getting required products or appropriate alternatives . For the last year or so , we are back in full force and free from hiccups !”
Exciting project
Turning to the year ahead , Mark reveals : “ We are currently working on our biggest project yet in terms of square-footage . It ’ s 18,000-to-20,000 square feet , with every luxury you can imagine ; a bowling alley , arcade , bar , multiple pools , spa , and sauna . It ’ s really exciting for us to work on such a large , luxury home , so we cannot wait to finish and deliver it to the client .
“ In terms of the distant future ,” Mark concludes , “ we hope that the business will continue through more generations , with our grandchildren eventually taking over and continuing our legacy .” ■
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