Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 61

_________________________________________________________________________________ Raykon
“ She was able to carry out the design , architecture , and interior design work , which was great ,” Casey says . “ It was her personal home , which added a great deal of autonomy for us . Heather was really keen to showcase her talents and abilities , but at the same time , she and Brandon were incredibly understanding of all the challenges that we were up against . This was during the backend of Covid , so we were dealing with a number of supply chain issues , but they were ready to roll with the punches from day one .
“ Besides getting to partner with the ideal clients ,” he continues , “ we were thrilled with the end product . Through practicing this very creative and opportunistic approach , we were able to master the surrounding hills and slopes and use them to enhance the property ’ s views . Unlike many of our other homes , the Alpine Horizon wasn ’ t set directly among the mountains , but it still looks out over some incredible ranges .”
Pillars for a positive outcome
Working alongside Raykon offers clients an opportunity to witness its core values firsthand , namely : dependability , integrity , quality , teachability , pride , and attitude . Dependability was listed first and foremost by Casey , with the remainder falling naturally into place .
“ I sat down with my team around six years ago ,” he recalls , “ to gather our thoughts and place collective emphasis on what we considered to be most important ; Who
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