Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 84

Not only do we collaborate with each other well , we also collaborate with our clients build . This ensures a seamless implementation of the design and the ability to use tradespeople who share our high standards .
“ We now number four staff ; all of whom are women . While the pandemic was stressful , that period enabled me to hire people who I would not have been able to hire under different circumstances ,” Jen enthuses . “ Within my network , I was aware of a couple of people whose skills I had seen showcased in other arenas . I used to work with Laura , and she is an incredible artist and designer . I had seen what she ’ d done to her home and was very impressed . When her hospitality job was eliminated because of the pandemic , Laura Loge , Designer , was able to join Stockwell Homes and apply her skills in interior design .”
Minda Ringdahl , who now works for the company in design and procurement , was working in hospitality as an award-winning pastry chef and general manager of several well-loved Twin Cities restaurants , but decided to transition from this pressured sector into design . “ They ’ re just beautifully talented women ,” continues Jen , “ and to see their work in permanence , in interior spaces , is incredibly rewarding .
“ These women are productive powerhouses . As we build our team , not only do we collaborate with each other well , we also collaborate with our clients , who often express their appreciation as not everyone operates in this way . We want to create spaces that not only suit our clients ’ lifestyles but that also reflect their personalities