Modern Home Builders Issue 127 | Page 85

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Minnesota Homebuilder
and encompass their visions . We ’ re not led by our tastes and preferences , nor do we recreate the same look . We have a division of roles that helps to streamline the work and as we grow , we want to focus on long-term scalability and improving our efficiencies so that we can deliver more exceptional projects . With so many micro-details to manage , we want to do it in a way that sustains our buoyancy . We ’ ve created our own process as non-industry-insiders and we really want to make the process and decision-making as seamless as possible for both us and our clients .
Client collaboration
There ’ s always room for improvement and looking at the wider homebuilding industry , from what I have seen , there is a large variety in terms of everything from
... Stockwell is a true champion of women
quality to design . With booms in homebuilding in more recent years , it stands to reason that quality may sometimes be compromised in favor of quantity . While the need to build homes quickly and cheaply is clearly there , it does often mean standards decline . I ’ ve experienced the difference myself . I ’ ve seen the layers of construction that went into a 100-year old home , a home from the 1950 ’ s , and today ’ s new construction homes . We ’ re often asked to improve new builds and to be honest , it makes the process more straightforward as there is quite literally less material to remodel .”
The team at Stockwell Homes clearly has a passion for quality and design . “ We love what we do ,” enthuses Jen , “ and over time , we ’ ve built up a curated collection of samples that we regularly refresh .
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