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every year , with advancements in insulation , Heating , Ventilation , and Air Conditioning ( HVAC ), window thickness , wall thickness , and air filtration . By implementing these specific systems , we are able to make significant steps forward in building efficient and sustainable housing ,” Russ informs .
As we edge towards the end of the year , Russ highlights the company ’ s priorities for 2025 . “ I always stay ahead by planning communities that are two or three years away , as we need to have a projected approach
to what is on the horizon . Currently , we are finishing up four stunning communities , and we are looking for a few more communities to
develop . One of our main objectives for the next couple of years is to build workforce housing , as many of our staff have to drive up from the valleys to work , which is not ideal . We have a
specific community in mind called Celebration Workforce Housing , which will consist of about 300 units of townhomes and flats , accommodating all lifestyles . As this community
has already been in planning for the last couple
of years , we are hoping we will be able to get it in place in the mountains within the next two years , providing housing for first responders ,
construction teams , fire departments , and school teachers , many of whom have to drive up into the mountains for work ,” he ends . ■
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