our hard work . I think more than anything employees want to feel appreciated so I make that a focus .”
The importance of building strong working relationships also extends to the subcontractors with which RCB chooses to work . Adrian continues : “ We have worked with most of our subcontractors and vendors for years and years . We have confidence in them to do the job and they have confidence in us to treat them fairly . Each of them is an important component to our success over the years .”
With RCB celebrating its 30th anniversary , Adrian reflects on the other factors that have contributed to the company ’ s success and longevity : “ I think we ’ ve always been willing to innovate and incorporate new and better building methods or products as they became available . Even more importantly we have always focused on the client experience . There are lots of contractors that can put bricks and sticks together but that doesn ’ t necessarily translate into a positive customer experience . Frequent communication ,