_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ RCB Homes
accountability for issues or problems , and always doing what we say we are going to do helps clients feel comfortable to put their trust in us during this process .”
Strategic growth plan
With 2024 and RCB ’ s third decade in business coming to a close , Adrian explains the company ’ s priorities for the end of the year : “ We are pushing a number of projects forward that are anticipated to close in the spring . We usually try to organize at the end of the year , evaluate what new tools or equipment we might need , and get ourselves prepared for another productive year .”
Looking further afield , Adrian outlines the
company ’ s broader ambitions : “ We hope to continue to grow strategically . We are always looking for neighborhoods and developments that will be a good fit for us . Our operation is scalable so we have the capability to expand as opportunities present themselves .”
With a design studio and an on-staff design coordinator , RCB has the full range of capabilities required to take a home from concept to completion . Constantly investigating potential neighborhoods and projects to expand its portfolio , RCB is ready to capitalize on opportunities and continue its path of growth . ■
www . rcbhomes . com
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